Why Giving Your Children Experiences Helps to Develop Important Life Skills

Why Giving Your Children Experiences Helps to Develop Important Life Skills - 4aKid

It's common for parents to shower their children with toys and games to keep them entertained and happy. However, recent studies have shown that too many toys can actually have the opposite effect, leaving children less happy and less likely to develop important life skills. So, instead of focusing on material possessions, why not give your children experiences that can boost their intelligence and happiness?

The Negative Effects of Too Many Toys

Childhood development researcher Clair Lerner found that an abundance of toys can overwhelm and distract children, leading them to play less and lose the concentration needed to learn from these toys. Professor of Early Childhood Education Michael Malone's studies showed that fewer but better toys lead to increased cooperation and sharing, while too many toys push children into more solitary play and cause unproductive overload. In short, giving your child too many things to play with can result in the opposite of the desired effect – they may actually be less happy.

The Importance of Parental Involvement

An Oxford University study of 3000 3 to 5-year-olds revealed that the academic success of children was more tied to their home environment and parent's involvement than to the toys and electronics they were given. The kids who had few toys and no electronic devices, but had parents who spent more time with them, performed better in school and in many areas of emotional and social development. This suggests that parents' attention is much better than any screen or toy money can buy.

Experiences vs. Material Objects

According to Cornell University psychology professor Thomas Gilovich, happiness is derived from experiences, not material possessions. His research spanning decades has shown that gratitude and generosity rise when experiences are given instead of material objects. In other words, giving experiences that involve time spent as a family rather than giving toys brings far greater happiness and joy.

The Value of Memories

Ultimately, happiness derived from childhood experiences is far more precious and valuable than the fleeting excitement of toys under the Christmas tree. Giving experiences that involve time spent as a family not only boosts intelligence and happiness but also creates lasting memories that your children will cherish for years to come. So, instead of stressing about buying your child everything on their Christmas wishlist, focus on making memories that will last a lifetime.


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